Thursday, March 19, 2009


So I've had a cold or something lately and I know that sleep is pretty much mandatory if I'm anxious for a quick cure. I decided I would take an energy nap to jumpstart my energy so I could accomplish everything I need to today. I thought it was a great idea since I have so much I need to get done today, however, my plan backfired when I woke up and realized that there was only 10 minutes left in my math class! My math class of all things, the one subject I struggle with the most and I am still lounging in my apartment! I woke up quickly and came to the conclusion that maybe if I looked through the lesson in the book I could figure it out on my own. Again, that backfired as well since the lesson was like trying to learn Chinese or something... anyway, I show up for the last 10 minutes of class, sneak in so that my professor won't notice, sit in my seat, and write my notes at a mock 90 speed. Did I understand the notes? Nope. But I was there and at that moment that's all that seemed to matter. I couldn't believe it, I've never missed a day of math and today I broke my record. Geez.. I've decided I'll never do that again. If I am sick and need a nap I'll only take on AFTER all the classes are over..

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