Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Lessons from Oreos :)

I have an insane addiction to Oreos. Particulary Double-stuf Mint Oreos. I really am. This is not an exaggeration. I always eat it a certain way(which in my opinion is the best way, but I'm a little bias) :) I always take it apart, eat the frosted half or dip it in milk, then throw the other half away or dip it in milk after I've devoured all the delicious ones.
The way I eat them though is nothing like what I do when my cookies are gone. I go through this huge withdrawal from them. The week or 2 that I go without my Oreo's are one of my tragic days of my life. At first the crave for them is easy to walk away from, but the longer I go without them the stronger my craving becomes. It's quite scary actually.
To prove this point I'll give you an example. Last night I was doing my homework when the craving for them came. At first I paid no attention to it, but then I couldn't stop thinking about it! They sounded so wonderful! Finally, after a few minutes I decided to go to Walmart to buy some. My roommate had told me that day that we had just run out of bread and asked if I could pick a loaf up if I went there. However, instead of grabbing the grocery list I left thinking that I would remember to pick up the bread. I walked down the bread aisle and thought nothing of it. I made my way to aisle 7 and took the Oreo's instead. I walked to the cashier register just happy as can be, paid for my snack, and went back to my apartment.
When I got there I immediately began doing my homework. Now that I had some "brain food" I could really finish up quickly now. While I ate my cookies and finished my homework my rommmate walked in and asked, "Hey where did you get those?" and took one out of the box. I told her. Then she asked, "Did you get any bread?" I swear my eyeballs expanded to at least the size of a golf ball. I completely forgot about them because I was so determined to get my Oreo's. I explained to her what happened and luckily she shrugged it off, but still... that's how strong my withdrawals can be.
The moral of this story is... honestly, bridle your passions.(Alma 38:12) Otherwise you'll end up like me forgetting my responsibilities as a roommate and become consumed in what's really NOT that important.

1 comment:

  1. I think the moral I got from this story is that McCall can expand her eyes to the size of golf balls.
